Texas On Duty First Responder Training Courses
Classroom instruction as well as a student exam, field instruction and proficiency demonstrations of first responders desiring to carry a handgun on duty.
Training is essential
Training is essential in everyday life. As an avid 2nd Amendment supporter, hunter and certified NRA and TX LTC/CHL instructor, I believe every one has the right and privilege to carry firearms. I also believe those same people should be trained to safely use, clean, store and carry the firearms. Favorite hobbies are practiced (trained) […]
The Second Amendment
The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period. “The Constitution does not give us the right to bear arms. It says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. We already have the right, because it doesn’t come […]
Texas Handgun Licensing Program
It’s important to know the laws and regulations involved in being a responsibly armed citizen. You can find some helpful links and information on the following page at the Texas Department of Public Safety’s website: dps.texas.gov
Handgun safety and training
Though it is not a prerequisite in order to get your Texas CHL/LTC, a great course to take prior to your licensing.